Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where is my private space in the internet?

The term 'net' symbolises a thing which is weaved with many threads thereby interconnecting many ends and forms one common thing. Like wise is the theory of Network. Internet is the meeting of such networks. The whole thing is a family namely World Wide Web. It is a society. We can see all types of people in it just as we see in the actual world. Individuals, groups, societies, companies, communities, forums, etc. Every one shares some information to others while he uses the internet. In a sense there is no privacy in the net. All the time you are being watched. So there are lot of impersonations or fake identities in the net.
But seeking solitude and finding liberty and enjoyment in it is not the only importance of privacy. When we speak of privacy, the term has real meaning in terms of confidentiality of your very important details. Nowadays many a number of shopping sites on the web are using our financial and other information to the betterment of their services to the users. Seeing the growing popularity of the internet, banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions turned into online transaction and many of them are using it very well. Are these informations properly protected. What is anyone liable to store it securely uses it to his ends with malafide intentions. The real problem is not the storage of vital credit infomations, but the wrong use of it.
Nations have many laws for secure data storage and also penal provisions for the violators. Laws will be there; but think twice before you transact online. Dont just give out your vital information to those sites or links which you don't trust. Sometimes it feels that being private is a cause for all the problems. But not for everything. Realise that internet is growing and the crimes related to it are also growing and the laws are still picking up. So be secured in all sense. This is a wide world and you should be more smart to be contained in a private space of your own while dealing with your original details. We have often seen privacy policies of websites. All major websites have privacy policies. What is the function of these privacy policies. They are just laying down a policy relating to your usage of the services of a particular site. The sites collect information related to you automatically while you visit their pages. The policy explains how they use this information.
So take your time to go through policies of sites which you dont trust fully. A knowledge of basic internet practices and laws is worthy. Plus you may need to know the real meaning of the terms and conditions provided in some sites. Thats for now.
You can find other posts going to major aspects relating to laws in cyber world. Thank you.

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